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Applying the Fundamental Axioms to Reduce Uncertainty
The Fundamental Axioms of Project Planning introduced the two fundamental axioms:
The Axioms of Project Management: Starting is definite, finishing less so. Divide and conquer to reduce uncertainty. So now let’s apply that to an ambiguous task and see how we can break it down into more manageable chunks. Let’s start with the classic example of building a house:
Now that’s pretty ambiguous, we have really no idea how long that will take, maybe anything from 3 months to a couple of years.
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The Fundamental Axioms of Project Planning
Over the years I have run many projects, everything from small software projects of just a couple people, to new product development projects in the material testing space, include both hardware and software, to large projects involving work that effects the daily routines of thousands of software engineers. In that time I’ve honed down how I think about project management into just two axioms, which, if you know the field of project management is quite short.
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Trump Won, I Blame Obama.
So Trump won the 2024 Presidential election, or more succinctly, Kamala Harris and the Democratic Party lost the 2024 presidential election and I blame Obama.
“Certainly the former president is in the far-right area, he’s certainly an authoritarian, admires people who are dictators — he has said that. So he certainly falls into the general definition of fascist, for sure,” Trump’s longest-serving White House chief of staff John Kelly.
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Bernie Sander's Statement on Democrats Losing the 2024 Presidential Election
I am providing a text version of Bernie’s statement here, because all I could find online were images posted to various social media sites.
I’m also posting this because it needs to be seen, Bernie is right.
Bernie Sander’s Statement on Democrats losing the 2024 Presidential election:
It should come as no great surprise that a Democratic Party which has abandoned working class people would find that the working class has abandoned them.
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So, Ryan Carniato, the author of SolidJS, posted this as a comment on his blog entry entitiled, “Web Components Are Not the Future”
Thank you for your response. A lot of this sprung from my realization just how much of a cost supporting Web Components properly has had on the library. And how it is basically endless. We doubled the size and complexity of our event delegation code in the last release (1.
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