My name is Joe Gregorio and I am a happily married old white guy with four
kids and two dogs living in sunny North Carolina working for Google
I am a maker across a broad set of interests, including software, woodworking, and cooking.
These days I'm mostly interested in Golang, TypeScript, Web Components, REST, and Web Standards.
I am the co-author of two RFCs:
The stuff I write occasionally gets cited in scholarly journals.
A long time ago I wrote The RESTFul Web column for the online O’Reilly publication XML.com, wrote the first desktop aggregator written in C#, and have published various Python modules to help in putting together RESTful web services such as mimeparse, httplib2, and the google-api-python-client.
The postings on this site are my own and don't necessarily represent my employer's positions, strategies or opinions.
The comment policy for BitWorking is that all comments must be polite.