Bulu 0.93 Now Deployed

Joe Gregorio

Bulu 0.93 has now been deployed across all my sites. It sports two new features. The first is the ability to dislay only an excerpt on the main page. (A feature I have come to appreciate on Tim Bray's blog.)

The other new feature is the URL generation. The older versions of Bulu generated incrementing numeric ids for the posts. That makes for extremely forgettable URLs so the new version creates an item URL using a munged up version of the items title. For example, the URL of this post, under the old Bulu would have been:


Now under 0.93 it is:


The last, and probably best new feature is the comments tracking. Bulu now generates an RSS feed for the last 20 comments, and an HTML page with the last 20 comments, both of which are my favorite features of Sam Ruby's mombo.

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