
Joe Gregorio

Things I have done for the first time this election season:

  1. Donated to a campaign during a primary
  2. Donated to a campaign during the general election
  3. Put a campaign sign on my blog
  4. Put a campaign sign in the yard
  5. Put a campaign sign on the car
  6. Canvassed

Many people have put the case for Barack Obama more eloquently that I ever could, so I'll simply ask you to get out and vote.

Barack Obama Logo

You're an inspiration. I have always been politically charged, but I've never felt more sure of a choice than in this campaign. Let's go out and turn this country around.

Posted by Daniel Jalkut on 2008-11-04

Sure, I'm voting. But not for your candidate. ;-)

Posted by Scott Marlowe on 2008-11-04

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