Porting Sparklines to App Engine

Joe Gregorio

The title of this article is actually misleading as the code isn't ported, but altered to run on both App Engine and under CGI. App Engine exposes a CGI environment that your requests run under, so the real challenge comes from the differences in the runtime environment.


The first big difference is that PIL (the Python Imaging Library) isn't available on App Engine, and it's not possible to add C extensions to your App Engine project, so we will have to find a pure Python substitute. Such a substitute exists in pngcanvas, a pure Python module for creating PNG images.

My use of pngcanvas is actually the completion of a virtuous circle: I originally created the Python sparklines service and why wanted to create one in Ruby using pure Ruby and BMPs, then that was the jumping off point for some commenters to do the same for PNGs, which led mir.aculo.us to create a library for creating sparkline PNGs in pure Ruby, which Rui Carmo then ported to Python, which I will now use in porting the original sparklines code to App Engine. Small world.

Now you probably won't want to use pngcanvas for extensive graphics manipulation, but since sparklines are small it will be just fine. As a side note, I really like the simplicity of the pngcanvas interface, the port actually resulted in removing lines of code compared to PIL, which is always a good sign.

The one problem that arises in moving from PIL to pngcanvas is the lack of color names. PIL allows you to specify colors by name, something pngcanvas doesn't support. Luckily X11 includes a convenient list of color names and their equivalent in RGB triples (/etc/X11/rgb.txt) which just needs to be converted into a form usable for Python. I could write code to import rgb.txt via Python, but since I have to upload the file to App Engine anyway, I'll exercise the macro capabilities of my text editor and covert it into a Python file:

_colors = {
"snow": (255, 250, 250, 255),
"ghost white": (248, 248, 255, 255),
"ghostwhite": (248, 248, 255, 255),
# ...
"light green": (144, 238, 144, 255),
"lightgreen": (144, 238, 144, 255)
def colors(name):
    name = name.strip().lower()
    if name in _colors:
        return _colors[name]
        return (0, 0, 0, 255)

Now I can use rgb.py to covert color names into RGB triples, or in this case RGBA tuples like pngcanvas expects.


If we wanted to do the absolute minimum then that would be all the changes we would need to make. The only extra step needed for App Engine is to describe the files we are using and their location so it knows what to upload and how to direct requests, which is done through the app.yaml file.

application: sparklines-bitworking
version: 1
runtime: python
api_version: 1
- url: /
  static_files: index.html
  upload: index.html
- url: /spark.js
  static_files: spark.js 
  upload: spark.js 
- url: /spark.cgi?.*
  script: spark.py

And were done. But there are some other changes we can make to take full advantage of the App Engine platform.

The main() optimization

If your handler script exports a main() function that takes no arguments then App Engine will keep the script cached and call main() for subsequent requests. Skipping the evaluation of the script on each request improves performance, so we'll break out the code into two modules, main.py which will be our script handler and script.py which will contain all of the sparkline drawing logic. That change is now reflected in our app.yaml file:

application: sparklines-bitworking
version: 1
runtime: python
api_version: 1
- url: /
  static_files: index.html
  upload: index.html
- url: /spark.js
  static_files: spark.js 
  upload: spark.js 
- url: /spark.cgi?.*
  script: main.py

And the main.py is very simple:

from spark import plot
def main():
if __name__ == '__main__':


Now the original sparklines code already made good use HTTP caching by setting ETag: and Cache-control: headers, but we can do more under App Engine by using the memcache service. After drawing each sparkline we can store the PNG in memcache using a hash of the incoming request query parameters and the application version as the key and subsequently look for images in memcache when requests come in using that same hash. If there is a hit we can avoid doing any drawing at all. We still want to be able to use the code on a system that doesn't have memcache support so we will make its use conditional.

    from google.appengine.api import memcache
    memcache = None

Check for memcached images:

def plot():
    plot_types = {
        'discrete': plot_sparkline_discrete, 
        'impulse': lambda data, args: plot_sparkline_discrete(data, args, True), 
        'smooth': plot_sparkline_smooth,
        'error': plot_error
    if not os.environ['REQUEST_METHOD'] in ['GET', 'HEAD']:
        error("Status: 405 Method Not Allowed")
    if_none_match = os.environ.get('HTTP_IF_NONE_MATCH', '')
    hashkey = entity_hash()
    if if_none_match and hashkey == if_none_match:
    if memcache:
        image_data = memcache.get(hashkey)
        if image_data is not None:
    form = cgi.FieldStorage()
    # ...

Populate memcache with images after drawing them:

    # ...
    image_data = plot_types[type](data, args)
    if memcache:
        memcache.add(hashkey, image_data)
    # ... 

By making the use of memcache conditional on its presence this code can now be used both on App Engine and also on my server which doesn't have memcache.

This service can be found hosted at both http://bitworking.org/projects/sparklines/ and on Google App Engine at http://sparklines-bitworking.appspot.com/. Both are running the identical code, which can be found at http://bitbucket.org/jcgregorio/sparklines/overview.

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