Table of contents
The Shoelace Formula via Geometric Algebra
img { vertical-align: baseline; } th { background: #fff; } body { counter-reset: h3; } h3 { counter-reset: h4; } h4 { counter-reset: h5; } h5 { counter-reset: h6; } h3:before { counter-increment: h3; content: counter(h3) '. '; } h4:before { counter-increment: h4; content: counter(h3) '.' counter(h4) '. '; } h5:before { counter-increment: h5; content: counter(h3) '.' counter(h4) '.' counter(h5) '. '; } h6:before { counter-increment: h6; content: counter(h3) '.
Geometric Algebra applied to Physics
img { vertical-align: baseline; } th { background: #fff; } Geometric Algebra can be applied to Physics, and many of the introductions to GA online cover this, but they immediately jump to electromagnetic fields or quantum mechanics, which is unfortunate since GA can also greatly simplify 2D kinematics. One such example is uniform circular motion. You should be familiar with all the concepts presented in An Introduction to Geometric Algebra over R^2before proceeding.
An Introduction to Geometric Algebra over R^2
img { vertical-align: baseline; } th { background: #fff; } body { counter-reset: h3; } h3 { counter-reset: h4; } h4 { counter-reset: h5; } h5 { counter-reset: h6; } h3:before { counter-increment: h3; content: counter(h3) '. '; } h4:before { counter-increment: h4; content: counter(h3) '.' counter(h4) '. '; } h5:before { counter-increment: h5; content: counter(h3) '.' counter(h4) '.' counter(h5) '. '; } h6:before { counter-increment: h6; content: counter(h3) '.