Wanted PDA

Joe Gregorio

I need a PDA for addresses, scheduling and synchronizing. I looked at the Zire this weekend and it struck me as a bit flimsy. Any advice or suggestions for a good PDA would be greatly welcomed.

If you're leaning toward PalmOS, I can't help you... I can't stand Palm.

As far as PocketPCs go, I've owned a first-generation iPaq and a first-generation Dell Axim. The iPaq was great at the time, but the expandable sleeve concept proved to be unworkable due to bulk. I much prefer the higher-end Axim with 64MB of RAM, which is enough to do serious GPS chores while playing music or whatever. I also can't overstate the importance of dual memory card slots... makes the world a much nicer place.

Posted by Roger Benningfield on 2003-10-20

I love my Handspring Visor, and it still works after three years, but I use it less and less.

The new mobile phones have a lot of good PDA functionality, including synching over Bluetooth. But the screen size is, well, laughable for the most part. There are also PalmOS phones.

If you just want an mobile address book and calendar, and you use Mac OS X, you could just get an iPod. It plays music, too.

Posted by Bob on 2003-10-20

How about a Plam Vx?  it's old, but I'll send it to you for the cost of shipping.  It's black & white, 160x160 px resolution. 8MB of memory, I have the original CD, and a (maybe two) docking stations.

I bought a Sony Clie awhile back, and have been very pleased.  color, better resolution, MUCH fater (and the ones newer than mine are even faster).  So if you don't want my Old Palm Vx (for essentially free), check out the Sony Clie's.

Posted by Eric Vitiello on 2003-10-20

  I'll take it. Thanks!

Posted by Joe on 2003-10-20

selling a palm one t3 brand new in box. recieved it as a gift and am not interested in it. asking $325.00 any takers?

Posted by ryan on 2004-07-08

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