Robaccia Cookbook Screencast

Joe Gregorio

No clone of Rails is complete unless you do a screencast. Here is the cookbook demo in Robaccia. See the original post if you want to build such a system for your own favorite programming language. As usual, all the source is available for the Python version.

I love screencasts. :) Thanks Joe. Always enjoy learning how others work their machinery as much as, or often more than, the content. As a linux newbie I learnt about the tree command and how you used vim. :) Cheers. Robaccia is a cool project too, interesting seeing it progress over time. I just wonder after seeing things like Seasides canvas, halos and other goodies, if some of those ideas could be applied. Rails is nice but... its rails. Everything seems to be replicating it's framework...

Posted by Craig Overend on 2007-05-30


I just wonder after seeing things like Seasides canvas, halos and other goodies, if some of those ideas could be applied.

I completely agree. The point of all this work on Robaccia isn't to clone Rails, it's to demonstrate the concepts of convention, constraint, and cognitive load, and do it in a way that hopefully helps other people write their own web frameworks.

Posted by joe on 2007-05-30

Very nice Joe, just one minor thing. In italian Robaccia is not pronounced like that: the "ci" particle is pronounced like "ch" in "check", thus that would be something like "robacha", with a strong "ch". :)

Posted by michele on 2007-05-31


Thanks! I wondered if I was pronouncing it correctly.

Posted by joe on 2007-05-31

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