Just because Java was once aimed at a set-top box OS that didn't support multiple address spaces, and just because process creation in Windows used to be slow as a dog, doesn't mean that multiple processes (with judicious use of IPC) aren't a much better approach to writing apps for multi-CPU boxes than threads.
...merely a choice to _copy_ state rather than _sharing_ it...
I think "merely" needs to be added to the list of alarm bell phrases.
And since these tasks are probably going to need to communicate with each other, you need a lot of IPC, which can add significant overhead
Not really, if it's done right, and presuming you don't need to scale. If you do need to scale, than all that IPC becomes inter-machine communication.
...especially if you want to use higher-level communication like remote method invocation.
Posted by Joe on 2007-05-09
Posted by Aristotle Pagaltzis on 2007-05-09
Posted by Jens Alfke on 2007-05-09