Paging and Sharding Articles

Joe Gregorio

I've got two new articles up the App Engine site, one on Paging, and the other on Sharding Counters. The Sharding Counters article is fun because it highlights some of counter-intuitive solutions you apply when working with the kind of datastore that App Engine supplies.

I worry that your paging article promotes the terrible (but seemingly standard and unquestioned) paging model of counting up from the present — the content on every page is constantly changing.

On top of that you'll usually have another set of non-screwy archives paged by month — why not have them be the only archive pages?

On a separate note, why do so many of Google's AppEngine examples pervasively use huge hashes in URIs?

Posted by Fred Blasdel on 2009-01-27


Good point, I can do count-down paging as a follow-up article, thanks!

Posted by Joe on 2009-01-27


Posted by l.m.orchard on 2009-01-28

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