Below you will find pages that utilize the taxonomy term “a la carte”
Pulito and VanillaJS updated to webpack 4
Both Pulito and VanillaJS have updated to webpack 4.
Additionally both have moved from yarn to npm. While npm still isn’t as fast as yarn, the support for package-lock.json files and increased attention to security and speed are worth the tradeoff.
VanillaJS apps have been ported to a la carte web development
My VanillaJS project, where I re-implement popular framework sample apps in vanilla JavaScript, has now been ported over to ‘a la carte’ web development. In this case that means they all use pulito for their tooling and directory structure, and individual framework ports bring in templating libaries as needed. For example, the React sample rewrite uses lit-html for templating, and the Angular sample rewrite uses hyperHTML for templating.
This is a perfect example of the power of a la carte web development, where you get to pick the components you want and only have to ‘pay’ for what you use.
A la carte Web Development
Stop using JS Frameworks is something I’ve been advocating for years now, and a legitimate question I get is what do you replace it with?
The answer is “a la carte” web development.
Instead of picking a monolithic solution like a web framework, you just pick the pieces you need. I don’t mean any old random pieces, below I am going to outline specific criteria that need to be met for some components to participate in a la carte web development.