Spinach Rice Recipe
I've seen Spinach Rice recipes where the spinach is all bright green and fluffy and the rice is brilliant white. That is wrong, and this is not that recipe. If you cook this right the chicken stock combined with the Dill Weed and the carmalized onions will give the dish a nice meaty taste. Click on any picture to bring up the lightbox with captions.
Pizza Dough Recipe
Doughs really aren't that difficult or finicky, start with some warm water and yeast and mix in flour until you get the right consistency, no precise measuring or scales needed. Click on any picture to bring up the lightbox with captions.
Baked Stuffed Zucchini Recipe
Here is my Baked Stuffed Zucchini recipe. Click on any picture to bring up the lightbox with captions.
Meatballs Recipe
My kids have asked me to write up my recipes, but the problem is that for the vast majority of the things I cook are done by eye, so I'm attempting to document them with pictures. Here is my meatballs recipe. Click on any picture to bring up the lightbox with captions.
Tzatziki Recipe
My kids have asked me to write up my recipes, but the problem is that for the vast majority of the things I cook are done by eye, so I'm attempting to document them with pictures, starting with my Tzatziki recipe. Click on any picture to bring up the lightbox with captions.
This blog has just migrated from Jekyll to Hugo.
Why? Having programmed in Go for six years now I’m very comfortable with Go templates, which are the basis of Hugo templating. Also, speed is a feature, and hugo -D can rebuild this entire static site, all 2,700 pages, in under 2 seconds.
And while I am happy with Hugo now that I’ve gotten up to speed, the introductory documentation is missing a hugely important bit of trivia about Hugo configuration files and the templates, which is that case is ignored.
Adapting to new patterns in the pandemic.
It’s amazing to me how quickly something can become a habit; After only a couple months of one-way aisles, this weekend I was a little rattled with two-way traffic in the grocery store.
For context, North Carolina entered Phase II of our opening on Friday.
A failure of formats
A failure of formats I have a very long diatribe on the state of document editors that I am working on, and almost anyone that knows me has heard parts of it, as I frequently rail against all of them: MS Word, Google Docs, Dropbox Paper, etc. In the process of writing up my screed I started thinking what a proper document format would look like and realized the awfulness of all the current document formats is a much more pressing problem than the lack of good editors.
Inline Forms
Based on a Twitter discussion about optimizing the performance of web apps, I implemented a very crude polyfill for an idea I recently had.
HTML forms support multiple target values, i.e. where should the result of submitting the form be displayed, but there is no value for of target for inline, that is, you submit the form and instead of the whole page refreshing the server returns HTML that takes the place of the Form contents.
Looking back on five years of web components
Over 5 years ago I wrote No more JS frameworks and just recently Jon Udell asked for an update.
It's almost 4 years since @bitworking said: "Stop using JS frameworks, start writing reusable, orthogonally-composable units of HTML+CSS+JS." I'm curious, Joe, about what you've since learned, thought about, and done with the idea.
— Jon Udell (@judell) July 17, 2019 I have been blogging bits and pieces over the years but Jon’s query has given me a good excuse to roll all of that up into a single document.
I’ve launched a new micro-blog at, which has an Atom Feed if you want to follow along. You can also follow along on Mastodon by following thanks to Any entries will also appear on Twitter thanks to Interactions on any of those sites should flow back to Stream thanks to webmention support via
Finally the admin interface to Stream is a PWA that supports the Web Share Target API, which means I can trivially share content to Stream using the native Android Share intent.
OpenID Connect for US Citizens
Is there an OpenID Connect for US Citizens run by the US government? I’m not sure why I’ve been thinking a lot about such a utility lately. )
Colostomy Takedown
This colostomy takedown surgery is the second in the pair of surgeries I have had this year. If you would like to read the story of how I came to need a colostomy takedown please read A thing that happened.
As opposed to the first surgery which was done as an emergency procedure, this was a planned surgery, which made a world of difference. We were able to research and hire a patient advocate to stay with me a few nights, apply for short term disability before the surgery, etc.
Webmention on Google Cloud Run
I just published webmention-run, a Google Run application written in Go that implements Webmention. I’m now using this to handle webmentions on Given the generous free quota for Google Run I don’t expect this to cost me anything. This is on top of using Firebase Hosting to host the static (Jekyll) parts of my blog, which is also effectively free.
Another awesome feature is that both services will provide SSL certificates; in my case Firebase Hosting provides the cert for https://bitworking.
The Great Famine of 1315-1317
Great Famine The Great Famine of 1315-1317 only lasted two years, was no where close to the change in climate that we are looking in the face right now, and it wiped out 10-25% of the population.
To provide some measure of relief, the future was mortgaged by slaughtering the draft animals, eating the seed grain, abandoning children to fend for themselves (see “Hansel and Gretel”) and, among old people, voluntarily refusing food for the younger generation to survive.
Concentrated corporate power as a threat to democracy
In this essay, I will argue that the interaction of concentrated corporate power and politics it a threat to the functioning of the free market economy and to economic prosperity it can generate, and a threat to democracy as well.
Towards a Political Theory of the Firm (PDF).
Glad to see the Chicago School of Economics trying to resuscitate their image after the previous damage they’ve done.
simplifying income
Bill Gates
In terms of revenue collection, you wouldn’t want to just focus on the ordinary income rate, because people who are wealthy have a rounding error of ordinary income.
I would love to see the U.S. do away with categories of income (income, earned interest, capital gains, etc) and make it all just one bucket and tax that at a progressive rate.
I’ve said the Harvard MBA is the most second most damaging thing to happen to business in the last 40 years. I might have to clarify that to “the myth of the Harvard MBA is the second most damaging thing to happen to business in the last 40 years”.
We found no statistically significant alphas — despite testing every possible school with a reasonable sample size. MBA programs simply do not produce CEOs who are better at running companies, if performance is measured by stock price return.
I'm not done trickling on you!
Look at poor Ken, so freaked out that everyone is talking about taxes. Obviously a firm believer in trickle-down economics, his entire screed boils down to:
Don’t tax me, bro! I’m not done trickling on you!
Ironically he refers to Bill Gates, who appears not to agree with Ken at all.
To get the full context it’s useful to watch the video from the beginning where Historian Rutger Bregman schools Michael Dell on his ignorant comment about a top marginal tax rate of 70%:
Arts and crafts
When you have a stoma every day is arts and crafts day.
I swear I’ve modified more articles of clothing than my sister did during her entire teenage life in the 80s.